On 22 May 2023, Ms. Usharani from the Horticulture Department’s Shadnagar division conducted an information session at Rythuvedika in Lemamidi village. The session focused on the benefits of oil palm cultivation. During the session, she highlighted that farmers are eligible to receive a 90% subsidy on drip irrigation and Rs. 4,200 per acre for maintenance. The expected yield from oil palm cultivation is 10 to 15 tonnes per acre, with minimal pest issues. Additionally, the oil palm company expressed its commitment to directly purchase the crops from the farmers. A pamphlet on oil palm cultivation was also distributed during the event. Notable attendees included Shad Nagar ADA Mr. Rajaratnam, Oil Palm Company Vice President Mr. Rammohan, District Area Manager Mr. Pramod, Mandal Agriculture Officer Ms. Sirisha, Horticulture Field Officer Ms. Rukmini, and AEOs Ms. Sudha, Sameera, and Mr. Vinay.